DJ Rafty Spinner's - Top Training Tune of the Week!
Victor - Ready to Win!
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Waterford Badminton Club News
...And we're back!
August 24, 2015
Waterford Badminton Club begins its season starting with the return of Juvenile Badminton in the Ursuline Sports Complex in Kilcohan on Friday 4th Se...
Shuttletime Course - Badminton Ireland
October 3, 2014
Badminton Ireland will be running a Shuttletime course on November 8th in St Angela's School, Ursuline Convent, County Waterford. The Shuttletime cou...
1. Open to players born in 1999 or later for U15 events and 2003 or later for U11 eve...
Munster U11 and U15 Open
October 2, 2013
The Munster Juvenile U15 and U11 entries have been flooding in!! There's still a few days however to get those entries in! Players will compete from a...
Haynes Cup / Haynes Shield 2013 / 2014
September 29, 2013
Venue: Bishopstown Co. Cork
The Haynes cup is a team competition open to all players affiliated to the munster branch. This competition is a one day e...
Bride Badminton Tournament
September 23, 2013
Bride Badminton Club, Conna, Co. Cork will host there 1st Badminton Open Tournament on Sunday the 13th of October 2013. The event will consist of sing...
Start of Season Night Out 2013-2014
September 23, 2013
To mark the start of the 2013-2014 season Waterford Badminton club will be hosting a meal night in the Happy Garden restaurant, 53 High Street, Waterf...
Last night was a great night for the Waterford 2 mixed league team as they competed in the final of their section D Mixed League against a strong te...
Last night (Wednesday 21st March) saw WBC take on Melbourne in Bishopstown Co.Cork in the Munster Premier League. In the middle of a busy week of ba...
Last nights Waterford County finals proved to be a great sucess for Ladylane again this year. The Waterford County Association had put together quit...
Waterford Badminton Club Players represent Munster...
Last night in Ladylane, WBC took on Cork's Carragaline in the Munster Premier League. There was a feast of fine badminton as the two clubs clashed h...
It was an eventful night last night in Cappaquin as players took to the court to compete in the Waterford County Mixed Championships. There were som...
Please note that there is a change of venue for the Men's singles next Mon ngt it will now be played in Ferrybank NOT Cappoquin. Please pass on this...
Congratulations to Callum Thomas and Louise Sexton of Waterfrd Badmnton Club who have been selected to represent Munster U17 in the interpros on Sat...
6 members from Ladylane represented Waterford last weekend in Galway at the Badminton Ireland Intercounty Event - Tim Keogh, Kevin Fahy, Lucia Ondre...
More steady performances from the Ladylane mixed league teams this week in the County Association League. Waterford 3 picked up a 5-2 win in section...